
Bring Your Gaming-Transformer Hybrids to CPR

Morphed creations such as the Cool8800C can play their old school Nintendo games again when expert CPR service technicians crack them open. Solomobi makes them. The electronic gadget is called the Cool8800C and it’s a mix of cell phone gaming and transformer, a pretty smart machine made smarter theoretically when it’s combined with a way to play Nintendo games via dual sim cards. This foldable PlayStation Portable comes complete with a d-pad, and does everything […]


Undocumented Aliens and Census 2010

The 2010 census is going to be interesting if the large Hispanic population decides to boycott the whole process. There are always two sides to every issue and such is the case with the 2010 census and whether or not the Hispanic population will participate. Currently, many favor boycotting the census to send a message that immigration reform is badly needed; something that almost goes without saying these days. On the other side of the […]


Small Town America Water Woes

In yet another episode of “Water Gone Bad,” the small town of Putnam, Connecticut, struggled to keep going while relying on trucked-in water. No one knew for sure what happened to contaminate the town’s water supply, but they did know they were relying on water rolling into town in large tankers. Town residents spent four long days finding alternative and creative ways to cook, as well as figuring out how to clean the kids following […]


Deceptive Trade Practices in Texas

Texas has their “act” together when it comes to misleading, deceptive or false business practices under the auspices of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Consumer Protection Act (DPTA). While the act may have a long name and even longer reputation, it carries a clout on which Texas consumers can rely. Generally speaking, the DPTA is rather controversial and is constantly bombarded with a stream of legal interpretations and legislative changes, nonetheless it still provides Texans […]


They Would Rather Have a Job

The latest round of slightly comical bumper stickers reads, “I’d rather be working,” a heartfelt sentiment of many of the nations currently unemployed. Many of the currently unemployed people have other obligations to deal with besides just paying mortgage, rent, utilities and car payments. They may also have the specter of child support and maintenance dogging their footsteps. This is the point where many cave in and seek reductions in child support payments. The rising […]


CPR Technicians Say Yes to Nanos and Pinkies

CPR’s expertly trained service technicians can fix the Nano or “repair the Pinkie” no matter how tough the troubleshooting gets. It wasn’t long ago when the first iPod Nano knockoffs were brought naked into our unsuspecting repair shops, one after the other. They came from China, maybe Taiwan, maybe the mainland. Who actually manufactured them and sold them to gullible but thrifty Americans in the United States is anybody’s guess. One prominent distributor being mentioned […]


New USCIS Program Helps Foreign National Spouses of Deceased U.S. Citizens

Immigration lawyer Stewart Rabinowitz of the Dallas-based law firm Rabinowitz & Rabinowitz touts a new USCIS program that helps foreign widowed spouses. U.S. Attorney General Janet Napolitano announced a new policy to assist widowed citizen immigrants to remain in the United States, despite the loss of their citizen partner. “If a foreign national marries a United States citizen and the citizen partner dies, the widowed foreign national spouse can still remain eligible to gain permanent […]


Are Limited Liability Companies in Texas a Good Idea?

Is the choice of a limited liability company in which to vest real estate a good idea? When it comes to choosing the form of company to hold a portfolio of real estate investments there are a number of choices, and they may be confusing without asking a knowledgeable attorney. Generally speaking, a good choice for a company intending on vesting real estate holdings is the limited liability company (LLC). The major reasons someone might […]


Room to Move in the Garage with Proper Storage

The only way to have a proper storage facility in the garage is to have it custom built. This doesn’t mean that it’s out of reach financially. A man likes his work space to be, at the very least, easily accessible and have some sense of order to it. If that isn’t the case, they never seem to be able to find anything in the mountain of garden tools, sports gear, and tools and supplies. […]


Water Contamination from Contaminated Wells

It’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that a town’s water could be contaminated by a local well. It could happen anywhere, anytime. The fact of the matter is that a town using a contaminated well has already happened in many places in the United States, with the latest being a small town in Illinois. Many of the town residents don’t even have water distillers or water distillation systems in place either. The […]

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