
Undocumented Aliens and Census 2010

The 2010 census is going to be interesting if the large Hispanic population decides to boycott the whole process.

There are always two sides to every issue and such is the case with the 2010 census and whether or not the Hispanic population will participate. Currently, many favor boycotting the census to send a message that immigration reform is badly needed; something that almost goes without saying these days.

On the other side of the fence are those who point out that federal money is released to various areas based on the actual population and if various areas want services, they need to fess up and provide accurate numbers of documented and undocumented aliens. The federal money handed out to communities is usually earmarked for things like schools and other civic programs for everyone to take part in.

The message many other Hispanics want to convey is that no matter what the status is of those who live in the U.S., it is important to be counted; that if they want to see immigration reform they need to prove they are responsible citizens. Conversely, although that makes eminent sense in a dollars and “sense” way, this argument isn’t likely to cut much ice with illegal immigrants who don’t want to fill out paperwork that law enforcement could use to eventually deport them. There are already enough problems with the high number of one parent families left to make ends meet when one of the parents has been deported. Even though the Census bureau is not allowed to share any information it collects and only use it for statistical analysis, there is a very real fear that other government agencies will somehow find a way to access Census information. This attitude isn’t so difficult to understand, given how badly treated many immigrants have been over the years. They resent the government, as the undocumented communities aren’t permitted any kind of identification or legal recognition. This in essence shuts them off from the rest of society. Many people would argue that if undocumented workers/aliens want recognition or identification, then they need to register legally with the government and start paying taxes like the rest of the country does. On the other side of this issue is the shoddy history America has in handling and taking advantage of illegal aliens.

Currently, many of the undocumented aliens in the U.S. hesitate to believe anything the government tells them based on past history which is hardly conducive to good relations. Hence the adversarial approach the U.S. has taken, once again, with those who choose to enter the U.S. illegally. Enforcement and border patrols won’t stop the influx. Something that is fair and addresses people’s human rights may.While a census boycott might not be the right answer, those who are not registered might think twice about the power of their vote as a bloc when dealing with immigration issues. Hispanic power in huge numbers managed to make a significant difference in changing the face of government in 1994 after the fallout over Proposition 187.

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