Browsing articles in "Law"

It Takes Two to Protect Your Financial Future When Working With Couples

Studies show that almost half of the individuals in this country require long-term care at some point in their lives. In fact, many couples find themselves in a situation where one spouse requires nursing home care while the other spouse remains in the marital residence. With the cost of nursing homes now averaging approximately $9,500 a month for a semi-private room in New Jersey, this situation could be financially catastrophic. Because Medicare covers only an […]


California Family Lawyer Highlights the Importance of Estate Planning for Gay Couples

Every couple has concerns about what would happen should their significant other pass away. What would happen with their savings, property and wishes for their family and friends? Domestic partners and legally wed gay couples should talk with a family law attorney with regards to estate planning. With the changing legal landscape, it helps to have a lawyer to ensure that your partner will not have to deal with an emotional and financial burden. Estate […]


It Pays to Protect a Business Website from Copycats and Hackers

Los Angeles – Imagine doing a routine Google search of your business and name, only to find that a website thousands of miles away had copied the logo, design, text, and even some photos. This is what happened to the law firm of Gordon & Doner out of Palm Beach, Fla. when they looked themselves up and found the British firm of Maslin & Associates with a copycat website. A business should protect its website […]


Borrower Profile and Credit Concerns in Pre-Settlement Lending in Personal Injury Cases

There is an ever-growing cottage industry of investors ready, willing and able to make the equivalent of a loan to an individual who is the plaintiff in a personal injury case. These transactions, also known as pre-settlement lending, are a growing trend for those in need. In order to avoid usury statutes, these transactions are characterized not as loans but as non-recourse cash advances. If the plaintiff loses the lawsuit, then no repayment is due. […]


Benefits and Best Practices in Pre-Settlement Lending in Personal Injury Cases

MECHANICS OF A PRE-SETTLEMENT LOAN Since a lawsuit itself is essentially the collateral to secure the finance company’s advances, the lending company will obtain information from the personal injury attorney concerning the case. They will follow these steps to offer the monies: Evaluation. The pre-settlement lending company evaluates the case and determines the likelihood of success. If the company is satisfied that there is a strong likelihood of a favorable settlement or verdict, then a […]


New Jersey Special Needs Lawyer Highlights the Importance of Estate Planning for Parents of Disabled Children

New Jersey Special Needs Lawyer Highlights the Importance of Estate Planning for Parents of Disabled Children Moorestown, N.J. – Estate planning for parents with disabled children is a very delicate and important proposition. During their lifetime, parents are able to provide emotional and financial support to their children. This support greatly enhances needs-based government benefits, which are frequently utilized by the disabled through supplemental security income and Medicaid. But when parents pass away, these special […]


Mortgage Refinancing May Still be Obtained After Bankruptcy Indicates Iowa Bankruptcy Lawyer

Most people think that if they declare bankruptcy they can never get mortgage refinancing. That is not the case, as it is possible to obtain a mortgage loan after bankruptcy. “A lot of people do not realize that they can get mortgage refinancing after bankruptcy. In fact, there are a variety of options. One of them is using a qualified attorney who specializes in helping borrowers to file that kind of paperwork. It is a […]


The Complexities Of A Testimony From A Child Could Outweigh The Benefits In A Divorce Case

Brandon, Fla. – In 2011, almost half of all kids in America live in divorced or separated families. When parents go through a divorce, many of them ask if their child or children can testify or speak to the judge as part of their child custody case. In Florida, a family law judge can weigh the preferences of the child when it comes to timesharing or parenting plans, as the best interests of the child […]


Intellectual Property Rights Are Your Key to Business Profitability

Most people do not really care about intellectual property. It is only those who have a direct investment in something that ultimately makes them money that are concerned. It goes without saying that large companies these days have an enormous amount of intellectual property behind them. It is what made them the success there are today. The most valuable thing for any company, but the larger ones in particular, is their brand and IP value. […]


Legal Help For Veterans Foresees Long Waits After Agent Orange Case

A recent U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims case pushed Vietnam-era Agent Orange exposure back into the news, and may slow down the already sluggish Veteran’s Affairs claims process. At the end of August, the VA added ischemic heart disease, Parkinson’s disease and B-cell leukemia to the list of diseases connected to Agent Orange exposure during the Vietnam War. The VA announced that sufferers of those diseases may now be eligible for additional benefits […]


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