Browsing articles in "Insurance"

Health insurance covers those unexpected medical disasters

There are so many options to choose from these days for Tampa health insurance, it often gets confusing. “There’s really no need to be confused when it comes to deciding what type of Tampa health insurance would work for you or your family. I’m a phone call away and know the market intimately. All we need to do is talk about your life situation and what you need to be covered. I take it from […]


How To Give A Life Insurance Policy

Your alma mater helped propel you to where you are today. Your church offered guidance when you most needed it. Thanking them by donating all or part of your life insurance may be a wise way to gain a tax deduction. There are many reasons one would choose to give this way. A gift of a paid-up policy can provide tremendous benefits to the institution, be it a church, university or other not-for-profit. Typical donors […]


Number Of Uninsured Is Unfortunately On The Rise

With American families on tight budgets and unemployment numbers at an all-time high, it seems like a no-brainer to ensure that the breadwinners of the household have proper life insurance. Surprisingly, the number of people living without life insurance is on the rise. According to recent survey by Life Insurance Market Research Association, an insurance industry think-tank and research group, 30 percent of U.S. households don’t have coverage, compared with 22 percent just six years […]


Group health insurance in Florida is different from individual health insurance

Group health insurance in Florida is vastly different from individual health insurance. Consumers need to know the difference. With group health insurance plans in Florida, the policyholder is more often than not the CEO of a company or the head of an association of some kind. This person offers health insurance coverage to employees or association members. The biggest benefit with group health insurance is that no one may be turned down for coverage, which […]


Health insurance averts bankruptcy

If you don’t have health insurance and have a medical issue, the bills may bankrupt you. Having health insurance is imperative. While it might sound a tad dramatic to say not having health insurance coverage may bankrupt you, it’s the honest truth. Consider this: you get into a car wreck and hit your head on the steering wheel and you need an MRI and other medical intervention. You don’t have health insurance. How are you […]


Back to School Bike Accident has Dorothy Reeling

California Health Insurance agent Matt Lockard did his best to cheer Dorothy up, but she still feels like “she’s in Oz” since crashing her 10-speed into her high school’s cement façade. The first few days back in school felt like a pleasant dream to Dorothy. Each day that week, she rode her spiffy new 10-speed to her high school in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Her purple bike had been safely tethered to the […]


Social Security and the Deficit Commission: Myths and Realities

Social Security and the Deficit Commission: Myths and Realities Social Security turned 75 on August 14. While some celebrated its successes, the dominant narrative was instead that Social Security is in trouble. Politicians and pundits took note of Social Security’s anniversary amid renewed warnings about the dire challenges the program is facing. In the political realm, discussion of Social Security has degraded more to the level of insult slinging and demagoguery than actual policy discussion. […]


Control Your Life and Your Insurance

Life insurance premiums are often affected by a person’s lifestyle choices. By making the right lifestyle choices, you can take control of your life and keep your insurance premiums low. There are a great number of health aspects that can affect your ability to qualify for term life insurance, and these same aspects can have a profound effect on your rates. If you do not have a clear understanding of how these aspects of health […]


LifeInsurance 2.0 Encourages You to Do It for Them

While some people believe that life insurance isn’t a necessity, having a life insurance policy is imperative for those who are the main providers for dependents. With the money from a policy, families can go on with their lives without facing a grim financial future. As tragedies can occur without notice, life insurance should be secured so that loved ones will not have to face financial ruin as well as an emotional loss. Dealing with […]


Life Insurance for Singles

Many people believe that life insurance is not necessary for singles; however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Singles may have substantial financial responsibilities that require a life insurance policy. If you’re like many single men and women, part of a group that represents nearly 40 percent of America’s population, you may feel that you have little need for life insurance. After all, if you have no spouse to protect in the event of […]

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