Browsing articles in "Environment"

Industrial Afterburners and Thermal Oxidizers

A comparison of industrial afterburners with thermal oxidizers is relevant both by process and by consequences – but may vary according to precisely which configuration is employed. An industrial afterburner uses controlled flame combustion within an enclosed space to facilitate a process already initiated. Such a configuration may be used as an air pollution control or monitoring system, and may be used with a configuration of other types of thermal oxidizers to maintain heat transfer. […]


Catalytic Oxidizers and Industrial Ovens Not All Alike

Catalytic oxidizers for air pollution control and industrial ovens vary in quality. A common misconception is that you’ve seen one catalytic oxidizer, you’ve seen them all. Or that the same axiom can be applied to industrial ovens. The truth is, the quality of these systems vary greatly. Certain basics do apply for catalytic oxidizers. Catalytic treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other air pollutants functions by reacting upon the harmful air pollutants over a […]


Epcon’s Catalytic Oxidizers and Industrial Ovens Feature Custom Designs

Epcon is a premier custom manufacturer of catalytic oxidizer systems and industrial ovens. Two Epcon systems worth touting are our catalytic oxidizers and industrial ovens. Both are dependent upon our unique custom designs for their success. Oxidizers can be configured as either Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs), Recuperative Thermal Oxidizers (also RTOs), or Catalytic Oxidizers. But our catalytic configurations are especially intriguing. Our catalytic oxidizers convert process exhaust stream Volatile Organic Compounds into harmless amounts of […]


Cleaning Methane Released from the Coal Mining Process

Using regenerative thermal oxidizers to convert methane into carbon dioxide may prove a deterrent to Global Warming. Everybody’s talking about clean coal. Vanishing are the images of smog-filled towns and blackened valleys of soot that made coal a byword for dirty fuel. In fact, like it or not, coal still produces about half of U.S.-produced electricity and about a quarter of the electricity produced worldwide. Why not stick with a fuel that works, and cut […]


Epcon Offers Rental Units to Perform Heavy Duty Work

Epcon carries a full range of technologies for rental or lease. All come with the full Epcon warranty and great customer service. It costs a lot of money to buy a state-of-the-art thermal oxidizer or even an industrial oven outright. But what if such a unit and a range of kindred machines were available for rental or lease, or lease-purchase – at a fraction of that cost? What if that availability were combined with the […]


Epcon Seeking Companies in the Carbon Credit Market

Epcon sells premium thermal oxidizers and RTOs which can facilitate carbon credit utilization and help in reducing carbon footprints. Epcon has been in the business of manufacturing, selling, and developing patented technologies relevant to thermal oxidizers and regenerative thermal oxidizers since 1976, long before Global Warming was widely accepted as the phenomenon it’s become. But as environmental concerns have steadily been mounting, so have the efficiency technologies comprising our oxidizers been steadily improving. Our oxidizers […]


Lead Contamination Is Deadly Serious

Lead contamination in water is more prevalent than anyone may think, whether a house is new or not. While everyone knows that drinking lots of water is something good to do for their health, these days people have to second guess if their water is safe or not. Imagine that, turning on the tap and drinking lead contaminated water. It’s not just the lead that is a problem either. Water on tap these days has […]


A Brain on Water

There is no question that everyone in the U.S. has water on the brain, or to be more precise, their brain is more than 75 percent water. Water is crucial for living, a fact that hits home if we have the misfortune to lose even just five percent of our body fluids. This loss creates a 25 to 30 percent energy drop in the average adult. If a body loses up to 15 percent of […]


Small Town America Water Woes

In yet another episode of “Water Gone Bad,” the small town of Putnam, Connecticut, struggled to keep going while relying on trucked-in water. No one knew for sure what happened to contaminate the town’s water supply, but they did know they were relying on water rolling into town in large tankers. Town residents spent four long days finding alternative and creative ways to cook, as well as figuring out how to clean the kids following […]


Water Contamination from Contaminated Wells

It’s not a stretch of the imagination to think that a town’s water could be contaminated by a local well. It could happen anywhere, anytime. The fact of the matter is that a town using a contaminated well has already happened in many places in the United States, with the latest being a small town in Illinois. Many of the town residents don’t even have water distillers or water distillation systems in place either. The […]


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