
Quickly Summarizing an Insurance Agency’s Services and Products – a 30-Second Verbal Art

The verbal art of describing an insurance agency’s products and services takes a lot of thought, finesse, honesty and practice. Sometimes the window of opportunity to talk to a potential client is less than 60 seconds. Do it right, and success follows.

“Knowing your products, your sales pitch, what in the most in demand and where to source quality leads and how to work them are all part and parcel of being a top insurance agent. What you don’t get told is how to concisely summarize your agency and its product in less than 30-seconds. It means a laser focus on what is important to tell a potential customer. Can you do it?” asks Benepath.net CEO, Clelland Green, RHU.

Not too many agents can reel off a convincing spiel in 30-seconds, but that does not mean they cannot learn how to. It is a good lesson in marketing and how it works. If an agent can market their agency and what they sell in 30-seconds, they truly understand what it means to market the essentials, and essentials are what customers want.

“They don’t want obscure facts about Medicare supplements, or want to know how much a funeral costs, they want solutions to problems. In other words, just the facts. Getting to the heart of the matter of selling a policy someone actually wants is an art,” adds Green. “This is where knowing your customers wants and needs becomes paramount to making a solid sale.”

What is involved in a 30-second focused pitch, an insurance agency’s digital asset? Quite a lot, and the agent must spend hours scripting, rehearsing, timing and getting feedback on what it sounds like and whether it has the moxie to meet the mark. They need to know their value proposition – what appeals to the customers in the niche they want to market in. It has to highlight a valued product, service or solution, focus on agent expertise and get the message across succinctly but clearly. It is, with practice and patience, doable.

Mini marketing, meaning the 30-second verbal art of telling prospective clients what they need to know about an insurance agency, their products and services has some “must do” components:

  • it must include the top three things that make an agency different from the competition
  • it must create empathy by identifying a particular group serviced
  • it must be short, sweet and to the point because there may not be 60 seconds to make the pitch
  • it must transmit enthusiasm for the product and the potential client
  • it must aim for a vertical market in one niche, not a broad, all are welcome market
  • it must close with a call to action

“The beauty of the 30-second pitch to a client is that you may change it to suit your needs in any industry you choose whether it is group insurance or small business insurance. This helps you refine and define what your agency is about and makes you a driving force to be reckoned with when you are in sales mode,” says Green.

Clelland Green is with Benepath.net, a leader in providing health insurance leads. Benepath provides agents with exclusive health insurance leads and Medicare leads in just a few mouse clicks. To learn more, visit http://www.benepath.net.

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