
Shoving politics to the side is the only way to accomplish CIR

If politics weren’t involved in comprehensive immigration reform, it might have been accomplished by now.

The only one thing that remains a given – as far as it can be, that is – is the fact that the Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act 2009 has been tabled. That should mean that the subcommittees working on it, citizenship, refugees, international law, border security and immigration, should really enact it. But Bill HR4321 languishes on the table.

Politics has once again reared its ugly head and the fate of millions of immigrants hangs in limbo, while petty differences of opinion hold up a major bill that could change the lives of those involved. The premise behind this bill is a good one, and that is, if the system can be fixed by working together to find a complete and equitable solution that keeps the border secure, enforces the law and acknowledges the mixed heritage of Americans, it would be a win-win situation for all. It would ultimately mean that immigration would be driven by what is in the best economic interests of the nation and the American worker.

This sounds fine in theory. This sounds fine in debate. This sounds fine in a bill. However, that’s as far as it’s gotten – sounding fine. No one can seem to get it implemented due to politics. To accomplish comprehensive immigration reform, the political parties need to work together to make it happen for the people who elected them. That’s not happening because no one can agree on how to make it happen without stepping on a whole lot of toes.

This has been going on for too long. No wonder things are up in the air and comprehensive immigration reform is only proceeding on the enforcement front. It’s the easiest area to do something visible in. It’s rather obvious that the only way something will give is to shove politics to the side and get comprehensive immigration reform handled.

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About the Author: Openpaperwire Admin

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