Browsing articles from "October, 2010"

How Do I Know If I Should File for Bankruptcy?

Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting task, to be sure. There will be lots of questions about how to actually file the paperwork, what type of bankruptcy will be best and what the lingering effects of this action will be. First, it’s important to ask whether this is the answer to your financial problems. Filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision and should only be undertaken if there are no other alternatives. Having a […]


How Bankruptcy Affects Spousal and Child Support

Consumer bankruptcy filings for the first half of this year are currently at record levels. There is evidence to suggest that a good number of these scenarios include divorce situations where a spouse is receiving or paying for child support and/or alimony. Think filing for bankruptcy will absolve child or spousal support payments? Not so. “Child support payments and spousal support payments generally cannot be discharged in bankruptcy,” said Reginald Osenton of Osenton Law Offices […]


Social Security and the Deficit Commission: Myths and Realities

Social Security and the Deficit Commission: Myths and Realities Social Security turned 75 on August 14. While some celebrated its successes, the dominant narrative was instead that Social Security is in trouble. Politicians and pundits took note of Social Security’s anniversary amid renewed warnings about the dire challenges the program is facing. In the political realm, discussion of Social Security has degraded more to the level of insult slinging and demagoguery than actual policy discussion. […]


Wireless industry sues city of San Francisco over radiation law

The wireless industry is highly competitive. Anything that threatens that leading edge is fought fiercely. A good case in point is the latest tussle shaping up between the wireless industry and the city of San Francisco. The industry is suing the city over a law that will require all cell phone stores to post figures showing how much radio energy each phone model emits. You might recall the hoopla over brain tumors and using cell […]


Forceps delivery may cause birth injuries

There are many different procedures for delivering a child. Unfortunately, delivery tools designed to help may inadvertently cause birth injuries. Having a baby is not exactly stress or danger free, no matter what anyone tells you. Good labor or not, there is still the possibility of complications arising at any given point from start to delivery finish. The main thing is, it’s not just the baby that’s at risk during a birth; it’s the mother […]


Knee replacement surgery resulted in incorrectly placed hardware

Medical malpractice cases can happen at any time, usually when people least expect. Most physicians and surgeons do a really good job and have hundreds of happy patients. However, doctors are humans and humans do make mistakes now and then. If the error is small, it’s forgivable and forgotten. If the error severely injures someone or his or her life, this is medical malpractice with negligence and it is grounds for a lawsuit. “Take the […]


Nothing but marble will do in a home

Marble is marvelous for any home updates for the 21st century. It also improves the resale value of a home. “Often, it’s hard to know where to start when you want to improve the inside of your home. You may not know where to begin, what to do or even if you can afford it. The answer to all of those questions is that you begin with one thing at a time, take care of […]


Tired floors love marble tiles

For worn out floors, think Clearwater tile installation. It will give a room a new lease on life. “It doesn’t matter how well you take care of your floors, they will wear out over time just because of the traffic on them. While there’s no real way around that, when you upgrade your flooring, think about marble tile. It’s beautiful, strong and brings the very best out of the room. It’s amazing how much marble […]


Economic recovery never seems adequate in wrongful death cases

In wrongful death cases, the deceased’s life must be quantified into an economic value for compensation. This doesn’t bring the loved one back, but it recovers money for the family to continue. “Wrongful death lawsuits are not like the ones you see on TV, largely because those cases tend to deal with criminal offenses. In addition, nothing in the real world gets wrapped up from start to finish within an hour, minus commercials. In the […]


The breaks of motorcycle accidents may cause permanent injuries

Multiple bones fractures are often a consequence of a motorcycle crash. The biker may not be able resume the same life he or she had before being injured. “It’s one of those givens, that when a biker is involved in a motorcycle crash, that they tend to get ejected and thrown great distances. The result of the force of the impact and the impact of a hard landing usually results in multiple bone fractures, or […]


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