
CPR Will Be Ready for 2010’s Slew of iPad Devices

With tablets arriving like gadget-faced locusts in 2010, CPR’s expert service technicians are anticipating the inevitable. When they break – they will come to our retail shops.

It’s happening. The big names and the not-so-big names are riding Apple’s wake with tablet devices of their own. Who would have thunk it: Perhaps Moses or someone Biblical-sounding. “There will come hither and thither a swarm of tablets, not with the nine commandments chiseled into their LCD screens, but all will feature mobile microprocessors, and the devices will be smart, and have apps, and allow you to take more naps.” Will they be spotted in the red sky at dawn, along with a cloud of locusts? No, these apparitions that the prophets failed to envision will be seen at electronics trade shows, and such Expos, a veritable swarm of novel devices that the deity has blessed, until they break.

These tablets, and e-readers, and mini-laptops, and whatnots will first be handed to you, perhaps by a salesperson who has not died, different versions of androids and smartphones and yes, the gadgets of whatnot, with names like Ubiquitous and Armadillo but not necessarily, and the dumb phones will become extinct, or at least consumers won’t buy them as much because they won’t be trendy, and it won’t be long before they’ll be in the hands of millions of U.S. consumers.

Magical machines, these, blessed with apps, and with a kind of functionality that is bordering on scary – until that moment – that calamitous moment – when all the correct and intelligent design in the world won’t be able to save them simply because they’ll be in the hands of … the careless consumers of which there are always bound to be a surprising number, who will crack their devices like eggs, who will drop them onto a rock or a hard place, who will accidentally flush them prior to a hasty retrieval.

When this should occur, it will be CPR time, device savings time, and the hands of an expert CPR service technician is not only going to be infinitely safer, but the fixing is upon you, the fixing is upon you – no matter what you have – or what have you – in the manner of iPad device – albeit part of a tablet swarm. Who would have thunk it? That CPR would be ready.

To learn more about Cell phone repairipod repaircell repair services, visit Chicagocellrepair.com.

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